i use when washing euclypus oil placed in machine.
with powder
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I have a bath towel that even after laundering smells sour. What can be done to make it smell better?
Make sure that you're washing it in the hottest water that the fabric can handle. I scented detergent and dryer sheets will also help. Most importantly, make sure it's thoroughly dry before storing it, and that it gets a chance to dry between uses (if you're the type to use a towel a few times between laundering) Hanging it outside to dry in the sun often helps, as well, but only if well laundered, first.
I have four small kids and they are always getting dirty and sometimes their clothes gets a little smelly.the best thing that i have found to do the job is pine sol.yeah pine sol!fill washer up add a cup pine sol then put your towel in. run wash cycle and rewash in your usally laudry soap. when done it will not smell like anything but your laudry soap. this really does work.hope this helps!
If it is not a bleachable color (white, beige), then wash regularly with white vinegar with your detergent and then add another cup to the rinse, as someone previously mentioned, it acts as a fabric softener and kills the bacteria in your wash water that cause the odor in the first place.
Wash it again and add 1/2 cup of baking soda or borax to the wash. Also, add 1 cup white vinegar to the rinse cycle. Vinegar deodorizes, kills germs, and works as a fabric softener. The vinegar smell dissipates as it dries.
Bin it! If you've had it a while and it stinks, get shot of it.
If you don't like the idea of throwing it away, give it to a charity shop or something.
Either way, treat yourself to some new ones
wash it in the hottest water you can using a half box of baking soda, if that doesn't work, throw it away.
pour one cup of Vinegar in the rise cycle it will get the smell out and also a good softener
Soak it in baking soda or use clorox.
throw it out and buy new!
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